Looking forward to our 2nd Annual "4freedom" event on Oct 1. Save the date and get your ticket here! http://www.eventbrite.com/e/4freedom-a-night-of-music-art-to-stop-child-sex-trafficking-tickets-16680230017
Join us for an evening of art and live music featuring local favorites: Joshua Miller, Anthony Mossburg and Heather Evans. Plus hear from OneVOICE4freedom's founder, author/activist Nicole Braddock Bromley.
104.9 The River's Mary O'Brien will emcee the event. An art gallery will be showcased and available for purchase to benefit OneVOICE4freedom.
Light appetizers will be provided as well as a cash bar. Get your ticket and drop-in when you can!
7:00pm Mary O'Brien
7:15pm Heather Evans
8:00pm Anthony Mossburg
8:45pm Nicole Bromley
9:15pm Joshua Miller
Help us stop child sex trafficking around the world by supporting this cause!